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Web Accessibility & Digital Inclusion Specialist

For over 20 years, I've developed user-friendly and captivating web interfaces. I collaborate effectively with designers and stakeholders, and I have been an active participant in boosting user satisfaction.

I'm confident in my ability to make a significant contribution, and I'm always eager for new challenges to deliver a seamless user experience. I'm constantly refining my understanding of best practices, and I constantly research and adopt cutting-edge web development tools.

As a passionate advocate for web accessibility and digital inclusion, I take a serious approach to my work with determination to ensure that everyone can fully participate in the digital world.

Latest Blog Posts

Inclusive Digital Design

User Interface. Illustrated

Inclusive digital design is not just about making things accessible for people with disabilities. It also ensures products and services include people of all ages, cultures, and abilities.

Animated CSS Gradient

CSS gradients are a powerful way to add visual interest to your web pages. Gradients can be used to create subtle gradients that add depth and dimension or more dramatic gradients that create a focal point.

Latest Insights

Building something incredible?

Cubes, dark blue with a single yellew cube. Illustrated

Hey, changemakers! Are you out there building something incredible that's positively impacting the world?

Passion Fuels Purpose

Two people leaping with ahappiness on a beach.

You wake up, pour coffee, log in, and then the dread sets in. Your work feels like an endless conveyor belt of tasks, each one zapping a bit more energy from your soul.